We get a lot of inquiries about how individuals and groups can start a PWYC grocery store in other cities and communities all around the world. We love your enthusiasm and want to encourage you to feed it forward. Here are some tips and starting points on how to replicate our model.

A note about the Feed It Forward name. Feed It Forward is a registered non-profit and soon to be a registered charitable organization in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As such, you are not able to use the Feed It Forward name, brand, or logo unless you are officially partnered with us. If you think you have a good handle on all the points listed above and are ready to successfully launch a Feed It Forward location in your community, please reach out to us to have a conversation! We would love to partner with you and provide you with organizational support and guidance. Alternatively, you can start your own non-profit food rescue program under a different name. The process to establish yourself is long and involves a lot of paperwork – it took us about three years to get to that. You will need to be officially registered in order to provide charitable receipts for in-kind and monetary donations.